Sensor-based sorting technologies for elimination of impurities from biowaste and green waste
UniSort Black technology to capture all plastics (especially darker-coloured plastics) and material from biowaste and decomposed products.
In Australia, the demand for advanced sorting technologies in green waste composting is on the rise, driven by the nation's commitment to sustainable waste management practices. With the widespread adoption of FoGo bins (Food and Garden Organics), the need for superior sorting solutions has never been more crucial. The sorting technology extracts impurities and ensures the purity and quality of green waste compost.
Sensor-based sorting systems such as the STEINERT UniSort Black are therefore of decisive importance for the processing and recovery of compost, now and in the future.
With their sophisticated designs, our sorting systems detect both light and dark contaminants and separate them off accurately. In practice, grain sizes 10 - 30 mm and 30 - 70 mm have proven themselves, in which significant proportions of foreign material such as plastics, stone, glass and metal can pe separated.
As a side-effect, fractions such as wood chips and bark mulch can be post-cleaned on an intermittent basis, and contaminants removed from them.
In addition to our sensor-based systems, which normally separate visible and black/dark-coloured plastics (e.g. PE, PP, PS), we also offer you our STEINERT XSS® T EVO 5.0 x-ray sorting system. This puts you in a position to detect, in particular, minerals, ceramics, glass and residual metals and to sort these out from the product. Here we make use of the difference in material density in order to sort contaminants with higher density from the lighter, and therefore less dense, organic material.
Your benefits:
- All core combinations of magnet and sensor-aided sorting systems from a single source
- Sorting widths from 0.5 m to 2.8 m available
- Recovery of ferrous and non ferrous metals using sophisticated magnet and eddy current technology
- Sensor-based UniSort technology (HSI) for precise elimination of foreign substances like plastics
- Special solutions for detecting dark plastics and materials