STEINERT US offers a variety of testing options for different configurations of sorting equipment around the world. In addition to several metal sorting facilities from partner companies in North America, there are mining test facilities in Latin America, for example, and the Test & Development Center at the headquarters in Germany.
- Checking feasibility
- Carrying out sorting trials
- Verifying sorting capacity in throughput test
Test & Development Centre Germany
Our application specialists will provide competent and specific consulting in finding a solution for your material recovery task. If desired, you can verify your potential for recovering material with STEINERT sorting technology using your own test material. Each test is clearly outlined and will receive a final report within days of the test concluding. For highest transparency, you can attend your tests in presence and gain insight into customer facilities on an industrial scale or behind the scenes at STEINERT.
- Variety of STEINERT magnetic and eddy current sorting units
- Latest generation of X-ray sorting machines
- Wide range of different sensor sorters at an industrial scale
Want to try a STEINERT test facility for yourself? Benefit from skilled engineers and a combination of magnets, non-ferrous metal separators and cutting-edge sensor sorting units in a recycling experience space. Contact us to arrange an appointment.