Efficient separation of weakly magnetic materials using the STEINERT BR magnetic pulley

Reduce wear or recover stainless steel using the STEINERT BR magnetic pulley.

The STEINERT BR is a rotary magnetic belt separator that can be integrated into an existing conveyor belt as a machine component – in the form of a magnetic head pulley. This enables you to enhance your processes with minimal construction outlay, even where space is limited. The head pulley can optionally be equipped with permanent magnets of different magnetic force to satisfy the respective application requirements. Equipment with an electromagnet rather than a permanent magnet is also possible for selected types. We would be pleased to discuss this with you!

This magnetic separator is also known as a rotary magnetic belt separator and is always used in traversing operation. This guarantees high extraction of ferromagnetic materials. This machine can also be used to separate out weakly magnetic materials like stainless steels or non-corrosive steels if strong permanent magnets are deployed with neodymium-iron-boron magnets.

Frequent STEINERT BR applications are for the recovery of valuable stainless steel concentrate and for machinery protection in downstream process steps, such as a shredding stage or eddy-current separation of non-ferrous metals. The extraction of weakly magnetic particles increases effectiveness and improves wear protection during subsequent separation of non-ferrous metals using eddy current separators. Depending on the input material, further impurities like composites containing iron or weakly magnetic dusts can also subsequently be separated to improve product quality and processes.

Your benefits:

  • BR = magnetic head pulley
  • Wear protection for downstream processes, such as crushers or eddy current separators
  • Can be used to separate weakly magnetic impurities
  • Suitable for the separation of stainless steel using very powerful permanent magnets
  • Working widths available from 300 to 2,000 mm
  • Can be delivered in diameters from 240 up to 640 mm
  • With ferrite magnets, neodymium-iron-boron magnets or electromagnets

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Application areas

Refuse-derived fuels

STEINERT equipment to produce good, quality-assured refuse-derived fuels for waste to energy (WtE) use.

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Auto shredder residue

For decades the STEINERT EddyC eccentric eddy current separator has been the trusted solution for separating out recoverable non-ferrous metals. Equipped with multiple sensors, STEINERT KSS systems can be produced in various configurations to optimally suit the particular task and situation.

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Aluminum recycling

As a lightweight, high-performance material, aluminum is increasingly replacing steel, particularly in automotive engineering. This makes the recovery of this metal highly interesting as a value-creating process.

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Incineration bottom ash

For the separation of ferromagnetic materials, STEINERT magnets offer the highest separation rates together with outstanding functionality and robustness.

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Foundry residues

Slag often contains larger lumps of metal or metal particles coated by other substances. Here, recycling is worthwhile in terms of recovery of the metal component.

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Single Stream

The automatic sorting and recovery of mixed recyclables from curbside collection

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