Multi-sensor registration including elemental analysis using the STEINERT KSS | XF CLI combination sensor sorting system
The combination of 4 sensors including XRF reliably separates heavy metals.
Beyond the sensory detection of metals plus 3D and colour information, our sorting machine also determines the object-specific elemental composition using x-ray fluorescence (XRF).
A wide variety of tasks can be covered by just one sorting machine. This enables logical collation of the data for each individual object recorded by multiple sensors. This combination is therefore also frequently integrated as stand-alone solution within a processing concept. The sorting depth is thus significantly extended even for smaller mass flows. Naturally, we also offer you customised equipment and programme creation.
The combination of 3D detection and XRF technology enables the sorting of heavy metal concentrates by metal types like zinc, copper or brass for example. The additional sensor systems expand the options regarding the use of secondary characteristics that can be derived from shape or colour information.
The STEINERT KSS | XF CLI is a combination of:
C = colour detection
L = laser (3D detection)
I = inductive sensor
XF = x-ray fluorescence
Your benefits:
- Increase in the sorting depth
- Increase in value creation via separation of metal types
- Solution of different sorting tasks by an all-in-one machine
- Can be used in online or batch mode
- Customised sorting programmes