UniSort Black

NIR sorting unit for reliable detection and sorting of different materials – even black objects

Effective diversity: reduction of sorting residues, increased plastic ratio, higher plastic extraction, removal of black PVC and cleaning of green waste

We have developed the UniSort Black as a further stage of expansion of the proven UniSort PR line.

And all materials detectable using NIR are reliably recognised because the UniSort Black also operates with our in-house HSI camera technology. The UniSort Black can additionally detect dark or even black objects due to its special arrangement and adapted classification system. The latter otherwise remain invisible to standard NIR sorters.

The main field of application for this technology therefore lies in the accumulation of dark objects. As an additional post-removal stage in a post-consumer packages system, for example, the UniSort Black can positively sort all previously undetected dark objects and convert them into a product. This also applies to the remaining losses from upstream sorting technology.

From an annual perspective, the input into a post-consumer packages system consists on average of around 3% black packaging, which is not separated out by conventional NIR separators. Examples of this packaging are primarily cosmetic products for men, dark fabric detergents or PP plant pots. Consequently this packaging, generally made of PP or PE, passes through the entire processing and inevitably ends up in the plant's sorting residues. The PP and PE plastics that are so important for the sorting system's overall extraction and related plastic ratio cannot be detected and require expensive disposal.

A further application for the UniSort Black results from the processing of material flows that normally have to be positively sorted to prevent soiling by black objects. The sorting of ASR (automotive shredder residue) is just one example of this. The UniSort Black permits both the sorting of visible PVC and the separation of all black objects in the substitute fuel sector, so as also to reliably remove the dark PVC proportion from the premium fuel.

In addition to the classical applications in the packaging area and in the substitute fuel, the UniSort Black can also be used with green waste. Here impurities like hard plastics, glass or even films can be positively removed to increase the purity of the green waste or structural material.

Your benefits:

  • Detects and sorts different materials
  • Even black objects can be detected and sorted in addition to the substances detectable by default using NIR


Fact Sheet UniSort Black

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Application examples

Waste recycling

Metal recycling

Application areas


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All core components of the sorting system from one supplier, plus special solutions for black polyolefins, polystyrols and PVC.

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Refuse-derived fuels

STEINERT equipment to produce good, quality-assured refuse-derived fuels for waste to energy (WtE) use.

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Removal of foreign matter from organic material after the anaerobic digestion process (structural material)

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E-scrap recycling

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Single Stream

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