Flexible deployment, increased sorting depth – the high-performance STEINERT KSS | CLI EVO 6.0 combination sensor sorting system
Effective separation of circuit boards, cables and stainless steel
The combination of colour, 3D and metal detection enables sensor-based sorting of many complex tasks. Secondary characteristics detected by sensors – like certain shapes or colour information – are often revealing for different materials. A logical combination of these features then permits material allocation and results in reliable enrichment of certain materials within a product fraction.
Our STEINERT KSS | CLI EVO 6.0 is typically used in sorting cables or the sorting of non-ferrous metals with clean surfaces. The generation of circuit board or stainless steel concentrates are standard applications. The resulting concentrates can be subsequently cleaned up as necessary using negative sorting to meet even the highest requirements.
Unlike in our STEINERT ISS induction sorting system, metals can be sorted both positively and negatively in the STEINERT KSS | LI through a combination of 3D detection and inductive sensor. Our combination sensor sorting system actively extracts all non-metals in the case of negative metal sorting. This may be useful depending on the metal proportion in the sortable material; to conserve compressed air thus increasing energy efficiency, for example.
Complex processing concepts using existing sensor-based sorting technology are often augmented by STEINERT KSS. This enables you to generate high-quality products and be one step ahead of the increasing statutory and market-based requirements.
The STEINERT KSS | CLI EVO 6.0 is a combination of:
C = colour detection
L = laser (3D detection)
I = inductive sensor
The new EVO 6.0 generation significantly improves how the sorting system is handled. Better access to the system components speeds up maintenance work. For example, the pneumatic unit has been re-arranged and, rather than being located under the sorting system, it is now at the front end, making it easily accessible.
Users also stand to gain from a permanently integrated railing with ladders, allowing the 3D and colour sensors to be accessed quickly and safely without requiring climbing gear. External footrests are no longer needed for work in the discharge area. An integrated rolling platform permits quick and safe access to the nozzle bar and conveyor belt.
Swivel-mounted doors rather than removable hoods deliver further improvements to day-to-day handling and, alongside a number of further optimisations, round off the update.
Your benefits:
- Colour, 3D and metal detection combined
- Increase in the sorting depth
- Solution of different sorting tasks by an all-in-one machine
- Variable positive and negative sorting
- Customised sorting programmes