MSort® AK

Highly precise colour sorting in fine grain sizes of 0.5 mm and above

The MSort AK is particularly suitable for dry colour sorting of bulk material such as glass, PET, minerals, sea salt and rock salt in a particle range from 0.5 – 60 mm. The chute sorting system is also able to accurately detect plastic granulates, ceramic, marble, quartz and plastic flakes.

The material reaches the machine via a feed and dispensing device, where it is evenly distributed on the vibrating conveyor and transported to the glass chute. This is where detection is carried out, which involves the individual parts of the material curtain sliding down to the detection system. State-of-the-art parallel processor technology is used to instantly evaluate the images based on colour and shape criteria. The sensor detects true colours and colour intensity in detail.

It also detects transparency using different forms of exposure within the range of visible light and is therefore able to sort using the transmitted-/reflected light method. Sensors also detect the particle size or shape (length/width ratio) in the air. The detection process can be used for statistical purposes or quality assurance at the same time as the sorting task.

Once detection is complete, the separated product flows can be separated out and evacuated using compressed air pulses.

Inductive detection is optional and enables ferrous and non-ferrous metals of 0.8 mm and above to be discharged with an extremely high level of sensitivity.

The benefits to you at a glance:

  • Fine grain sorting
  • Chute sorting system
  • Fraction size: 0.5 - 60 mm
  • Accurate position detection and discharge
  • Low over-sorting
  • Also available: all-metal detection from 0.8 mm and above


Fact Sheet MSort AK

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Application areas

Flat glass recycling

Separation and sorting from a single source – for glass recycling tasks

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Hollow glass recycling

Magnets, non-ferrous metals separators and sensor-based sorting from a single source

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All core components of the sorting system from one supplier, plus special solutions for black polyolefins, polystyrols and PVC.

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Industrial mineral sorting

STEINERT sensor sorters are fitted with colour cameras and lasers or near-infrared (NIR) systems with hyperspectral imaging (HSI) to identify surfaces with amazing accuracy.

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Non-ferrous metal recycling

With our STEINERT EddyC eddy current separator we offer you an economical and effective non-ferrous metals recovery solution.

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