Compact machine protection using the electromagnetic STEINERT AME extraction separator

Manual overhead suspension magnets with electromagnets produced in-house to a proven design.

Electromagnetic STEINERT AME manual overhead suspension magnets convince by their strong magnetic fields with deep penetration, which collect ferrous parts efficiently even from great layer thicknesses. As opposed to the STEINERT UME overhead suspension magnets, these manual overhead suspension magnets are not self-cleaning as there is no circulating belt present. This necessitates a removal cycle during which the magnetic separator has to be briefly swung away from the separation area. All of the attracted ferrous parts fall onto a separate discharge point once the electromagnet is switched off. The magnet can then be placed back in its starting position and can be switched on again – the sorting cycle will begin again. This form of extracting magnetic separator is mainly used in the separation of isolated tramp iron or impurities, because manual overhead suspension magnets are generally suitable for low iron volumes.

Special features of the STEINERT AME: Our models exhibit a comparatively low power-to-weight ratio due to the special ANOFOL coils made of anodised aluminium strip. ANOFOL coils are not sensitive to temperature and fill virtually the entire magnetic separator volume thanks to their rectangular, compact design.

A maximum amount of heat is transferred to the outer wall, making a dry design without an oil fill possible. Manual overhead suspension magnets of this kind do not require active air cooling. Round coils in contrast have the disadvantage of only partially filling the magnetic separator housing and they therefore have a shorter and narrower field, thus requiring more cooling.

You have the option as necessary of operating our electric manual overhead suspension magnets with suitable metal detectors, so that the magnets are only switched on when required and the power is further increased using excessive excitation. STEINERT AME units are available in working widths from 75 cm to 180 cm.

Your benefits:

  • AME = electric separator magnet
  • Extensive magnetic field for extraction operation
  • Manual removal cycle required
  • Without oil filling with passive air cooling
  • Working widths of 750 – 1,800 mm
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Application areas

Ore sorting

Sort waste rock and ore with low concentrations from the process at an early stage, in order to save energy and resources and to unlock more enriched ore more effectively.

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Stockpile treatment with ore sorting

STEINERT sorting systems let you process low-grade stockpiles effectively.

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Industrial mineral sorting

STEINERT sensor sorters are fitted with colour cameras and lasers or near-infrared (NIR) systems with hyperspectral imaging (HSI) to identify surfaces with amazing accuracy.

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Coal sorting

Dry coal beneficiation with sorting systems (de-stoning for greater efficiency); wet drum magnetic separators for traditional processing

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Tramp removal

Overhead suspension magnets reliably remove tramp iron from bulk materials. They thus protect crushers, grinders and other processing plant from wear and damage.

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